Notebook Material

Notebook cases are mostly made of plastic; it's cheap, light easy to produce and technical. Aluminum is a beautiful alternative but is it all? I think there are more aternatives. Just for fun:
- Carbon fiber is the most logical choice. It has the best parameters and it's also a "technical" material.  The only trouble is the high production costs, but I expect that it will be solved sooner than we expect.
- Fiberglass is a cheaper alternative of carbon, with similar parameters. Some notebook manufacturers may use it as well.
- Magnesium alloy is lighter than aluminum, it's a choice for some business notebooks.
- Timber should be a good option however I don't know any laptops with a case made of weed.  I see two problems however;  environmental sustainability (so much wood!) and the non technical nature of wood.  Anyway I could enjoy a notebook made of ebony.
- High quality steel is not used for laptops although it could be a good fit. Maybe of it's pre computer industrial message. Weight shouldn't be an issue too.
- Paper can also be made strong and water resistant (like a hardcover book case). With a good structure it don't even has to be heavy.
- Granite or other stone would make probably the heaviest laptops.
- Concrete is used for a lot of things, why not for computers? Ultra-High Performance Concrete could also be appropriate, it works for a PC.
- Ceramic is used for a lot of things why not for laptops?  It also works for PCs.

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