User programming

The web is an excellent tool of knowledge share. Anybody can share her views, information or knowledge. The primary tool of doing so is text although video is catching on as well. However there is an other tool of knowledge share and that is programming. Every program captures deep knowledge about a topic. Unfortunately programming is difficult; it requires special knowledge, is expensive (i.e. time consuming) and hard to reuse. 
What if programing e.g. a ROI calculator would be as easy as writing a blog entry? And you could link other calculations and include them in your program?
Currently you can do this only if you are a programmer, but even then it's an extra effort to make your program reusable (e.g. like a web-service).
I think there must be a tool which captures roles and knowledge better than text editors but is easier to use than programming.. E.g. a tool which allows you to make decision trees with links to every node to let it incorporate into other decision trees. Or decision tables, genetic algorithms, rule bases, QFD matrices, special databases, mandala tables, formula editors...
For example if you construct a decision tree which helps in holiday planning. Maybe you could make a top level decision tree (e.g. preferences like vacation in the hills or at the seaside) and at a lover lever you could link to an other decision tree written by somebody else to help you choose the most suitable travel agency, the best program for kids, the cheapest airline and so on.... Naturally I'm not limited to decision tree, any kind of app could be linked to your application.

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