Performance lap?

I'm convinced that the computer industry are before a new performance breakthrough. For a long time the major driver of performance was the speed of processors, more and more RAM and fast growing hard disk capacity. This time the consequent use and integration of existing technology modules will give an accelerated performance. These components are:
  • Hard Disks:  This will be the year when SSDs will replace tradition hard disks in computers. And Phase Change Memory is also getting ready for the market. 
  • Drivers: hard disk drivers are still being written by the principles setting up decades ago, serializing access. However - especially in case of new; near to RAM speed semiconductor drives - drivers can give up assuming that disks are slow 
  • Graphic chips: today graphic chips are miniature supercomputers and new software will exploit them in applications. This is the aim of the OpenCl library.
  • New compilers and distributes will easily distribute tasks between a huge number of processors and cores and can utilize vector engines or even gate arrays.
  • Operation systems will get rid of a lot of backward compatibility fat through virtualization or simple by limiting backward compatibility.
If I add this "small" steps together they will give a real performance increase on the average computer by about a factor of 10- 20. 

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