Do we need CIOs?

I'm afraid not.  Basic IT services are rather a controlling issue, combined with some project management and operational management skills. Development is done by contractors, they must be managed but that doesn't really need an IT guy either. IT doesn't matter much. What remains is some change management and integration. Integration is the only thing which is hard to associate with any other role than CIO. It means to effectively combine every technologies and services from desktops to sophisticated applications and accommodate constraints and new challenges. To this a broad overview of technologies, the ability to think in systems, long term planning and a stamina is needed. In organization where the time horizon is the next quarter or the next year in the best case that's rather an uphill battle. Everybody will try to destroy long term plans for short term benefits. Success is rather an illusion because when everything goes right nobody notices, but problems are apparent. And if an idea is born it and not delivered next day it's late. Good CIOs are like jugglers who are able to keep everything in motion without dropping anything.

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