Process Integration & Optimization

In the past decade there was a lot of hype about SOA and system integration. Now process and work flow tools are in the focus. No wonder about that; if we integrate systems we also integrate processes. Integration is first, if it works than can process modelling and optimization start.
But how can we say that a process is optimal? In general we can't? We can only say that the process is better than it was before, and to prove that we need some metrics. So the first step of optimisation is to measure. What if the measurement were integrated in the process management and integration tool. It could label items (e.g. an order being processed) and follow them through the whole process. And then measure how much time it took to process the item, breakdown by process elements, systems traversed, labour involved in filling in data. Doing this it could help to discover bottlenecks,  measure waiting times, identify rework and even errors.
A classic tools for process optimisation is Lean Six Sigma. A LSS project usually starts with process mapping, then with measurement and analyses. A good work-flow tool could directly support LSS projects by allowing a thorough visual process description and annotation, supporting measurement for each activity or allow to set measurement points and access to items characteristics. It could contain information and tools directly supporting six sigma projects. I doesn't need a crystal ball to tell that work flow systems will give more and more process measurement, assessment and optimisation support in the future.

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