IT Toolbox

It's no news that IT knowledge is not enough to run an IT shop.  We need a set of tool from which we always can select the most appropriate in every situations:

Conquer complexity

Even an average business has hundreds of workstations, networking, mobile devices, servers, office applications, business management systems, collaboration, database, web site... you name it. This is more complex that any other system we use regularly (and even if there are they get more and more like computers). I  doubt you can manage it like other technology (e.g. to have a full up to date documentations, or document every change), just because of the complexity. The human brain has maximum 100 billion neurons, a modern high performance processors about one billion transistors and Windows7 is estimated to have 50 - 80 million lines of code and the applications running on it are complex too. So an average IT system is comparable in complexity to a human brain or event to a human work group. 
So how do you document such a complex object? Full, detailed documentation is hardly feasible, you need to use models. Models may be on several levels, the best is which explains the most phenomenons with the smallest and set of axioms. In my view the best models are provided by the Theory of constraints followed by lean six sigma, then E-R models and flowcharts.  UML and SSADM are good tool-sets as well but they are made rather for software development not IT system management.
Don't forget that you also need a financial model of IT. 

Integrate systems

For your users the IT landscape is much more simple then for you, because they - rightfully-  only care for functions they use, which often leads to island solutions. However systems interact and depend on each other even if there is no software connection. In my experience this interaction is the cause of most problems in IT. 
To manage integration you need a system landscape and clear interface specifications. You should make it as simple as possible. Standardization and simplification are the tools of trade.

Manage projects

To improve things you have to start and run projects successfully. Project management tools like PRINCE2 or PRiSM two of the several methods, you should consider customizing a method or your own which fits best the needs of your organization. The financial model and a business case can help to choose the more promising projects among all the opportunities you have.

Manage Change

This is all about people! You have no chance if you can't win them. Manage the change and communicate, communicate!  For communication you should use the company newsletters, billboards and the communication tools your company provides.

Set up a strategy

To make clear the direction of your effort you should have a technology strategy which is aligned with the strategy of your company. A strategic paper may help to align your thought but it's to long and complicated for the others. Be simple; use some clear sentences and use them regularly.


Last but not least make your efforts visible. A single presentation may help but you have to use several methods and opportunities. 


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