Cloud IDE

Integrated development environments are the workhorse of software development.  On the other hand anybody who works with developers knows how they keep complaining about the performance of their workstations and expect to have the most expensive, newest and fastest computer available. This is a waste. An average programmers invokes the compiler about one or two dozen times a day, which takes a couple minutes a time, so no more than one hour a day.  One hour of a programmers time per day is a terrible waste, on the other hand a waste of computing resources too. A build server raises similar problem i.e. longer waiting times for programmers.
What I wish for is a Cloud Ide, a cloud compiler which you can invoke in a browser. No power workstation are needed, everything runs in the background in real time. You don't have to bother with compiling, all changes are compiled immediately, without waiting; the system allocates the resources on demand. 
Such an environment could seamlessly integrate configuration management, teamwork and project management, and you don't have to bother about updates either;  better service for lower cost.
Naturally most companies won't prefer to put their code on the Internet, but in fact we do almost everything online so I don't see much difference.
The programmers would have to come out with a better explanation if they want top-notch machines.

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