Gadget flood

You don't have to be a super geek to have three - four computer like devices around you. A PC, laptop, tablet, smart-phone, iPod, Kindle... and it's only a question of time that your car, TV-set, apartment, vacuum cleaner will have Internet connection, personalized services, apps, settings etc too. That's a madness; I like technology and I like gadgets but don't prefer spending my time with buying, downloading, setting, replacing, synchronizing devices and applications. There should be a solution. What I see on the horizon is not to reassuring:

Everything from one hand

Understandingly vendors would prefer this approach. However even Apple which is a pioneer in this field has not yet an ideal solution; I can't yet fully transparently integrate my documents, applications, personal preferences between computers. Actually local apps are disturbing because they may force you to synchronize between devices although in an ideal world no synchronization is needed. And even if apple makes its digital hub strategy fully realized it will be a closed universe. However it's working - at least for Apple.

Enter the cloud

You don't have to synchronize if all of your data is on the cloud and you don't have to setup devices separately if you run on standards. The most complete realization of this concept in my view is the Google ChromeOS.  Theres is nothing which you couldn't run on Internet - it's nothing more that a large computer isn't it? You can naturally say that it doesn't work without Internet, but in fact most of the things you use on your computer doesn't work without the Internet and caching is still possible. Such "cloud client"  computers could be like I always wanted them to be: thinner as a Macbook Air but having a longer battery life and better portability. As I much I like it this idea doesn't seem to catching on.

Everything on one device

This approach is even more fare from widespread acceptance than ChromeOS but still it's my favorite; what if I had only one device like a smart-phone? It has mobility (it's a mobile phone right!) it has power (the Samsung Galaxy sIII is more powerful than the computer I'm writing this text on) and it has constant Internet access. What do I need more? A docking station. I would like to dock it to a screen, keyboard and mouse at my home and the smart-phone should realize that you need a different interface and let you work at your desk. It also could be docked into your car, talk with your home, TV set... It had all your settings, connections, favorites... etc stored. The only thing which may disturb you (as every smart-phone user) is security and backup in case it gets lost or broken. But it can be done.

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