Pace of innovation

If we accept the claim that Apple's (or a lot of other companies) innovation is to take an existing solution which is available on the market and reinvent it, we can set up this table.

Invention Year Original Year Difference_(years)
Apple II _1977_ IBM_360 1964_ 13
Macintosh 1984 Workstation_(Xerox_Star) 1981 3
Newton 1993 Psion Organiser 1984 9
iPod 2001 Sony Walkman 1978 23
iPhone 2007 PDA (Newton) 1992 15
iPad 2010 Tablet_Computer_(EO) 1993 17
Apple TV 2012 Set top box (WebTV) 1996 16

Naturally one rightly can argue that this sample is statistically not relevant and it's not clear what should be considered as an original invention. I still see a pattern there; apparently it takes 10-20 years to reinvent a technical innovation.
If this is the case what can we expect? What has been invented 10 - 20 years ago? Should the Web (WWW) reinvented? The iPod or the Mac? Probably the DVD (but it's only a larger CD)? Segway? Search? Social networking? Digital photography?

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