If I look at statistics of this tiny blog I find some strange data. During of the good two years of it's existence it got a plenty of access from Macintosh computers (43%).
Windows is first, but just. This is far above of any Macintosh market share I ever had heard about. However the browser distribution is disturbing again:
Safari makes less than 1%, it is not even visible on the picture.
And now have a look at the data of last month:
It seems that people use Macs and run Chrome on it (at least the ones who occasionally visit this site).
Windows is first, but just. This is far above of any Macintosh market share I ever had heard about. However the browser distribution is disturbing again:
Safari makes less than 1%, it is not even visible on the picture.
And now have a look at the data of last month:
It seems that people use Macs and run Chrome on it (at least the ones who occasionally visit this site).
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