Frugal processes

Processes are a vital part of all systems. Without them no output can be generated let it be information, product or service. Unfortunately processes are hard top set up, expensive to run, expensive to maintain and deteriorate over time. My dream is process which - once established - remains stable and doesn't deteriorate with time. In ideal case it's even improves and cures itself when damaged. Is such a frugal process possible?
Okay if I knew how to construct frugal processes I would be a millionaire. Anyway I have seven process "frugalisation" tips:

1.      Measure

We have to know how our process is performing and see how the performance varies over time. Setting up a measurement system needs care; it must be simple, easy, and clear and represent the core value of the process.

2.      Eliminate exceptions

Very often there are a growing number of exceptions in a process. If there is a change, instead of adjusting the process an exception is added which increases complexity, the probability of errors and weakens the stability of the process.

3.      Eliminate waste

Waste - in form of non effective or obsolete activities - not only cost our company excess cost and slower/weaker service to our customers, but also lead to a certain kind of laziness’. If the activates are not perfectly clear, meaningful and the result of them can't be seen immediately, people tend to less careful to do it really right. It's like a public transport vehicle; as long as it's clear and shiny commuters take care for it. However once it gets dirty and neglected some people use it with much less care as before.

4.      Use poka-yoke

Poka yoke is a practical approach to construct devices or parts in such a way that mistakes or errors are prevented (e.g. it's impossible to assemble a part in a wrong way).  In process term it means that process doesn't allow errors into the next step. This makes the steps with inputs outside of the process very important because these inputs are harder to control (e.g. a faulty order). Such an error may travel through several steps consuming resources and causing difficult rollback scenarios. A good process is "head heavy"; it takes checks and manages all input to get rid of errors as soon as possible.   The rest of the process than runs like a flow.

5.      Use work-flow for clear responsibilities

If something goes wrong and we don't know where and who made the mistake, we have no guarantee that the mistakes won't happen again. Everybody has to take responsibility of his part in the process.

6.      Automate 

It's a waste to user humans for jobs which machines can do reliable Humans should do the innovative and value added part of the job. Machines are better in standard, routine work.

7.      Refactor and reuse 

Things change and it affects the processes as well. Don't make a tweak or set up a new process!  Refactor the process to comply with the new requirements. 

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