
Where I want to work?

   Before answering this there is another question: why I want to work at all? The obvious questions that because I have to. I have a family to support and bills to pay so I need money. Would I a millionaire would I work then? Sure I would or at least I would to something productive (without defining what "productive" is) and one of the temptation of being rich seems to be that you have less to deal with unproductive things. 
  So where would I work. Apart of being well paid I would like to produce value as much as in normal work time possible. I'm not too young any more but still believe that I can help making the world a better place. Naturally there are some task I can do better and others I cant. So I take a job which suits my abilities. And the basic work environment must meet the basic requirements. But that is still beating around the bush. A team can achieve more than a pack of individuals. And it depends on the people who you are working with and that depends on the company culture. The company culture again on the values and values on the vision. So we are back to the original question, why do the company exists? Is in they vision that they want to make the world a better place? Can I believe what they say? Would I buy their product? And if yes why? Is it special? Innovative? Something unique. Or they live form what they created years ago? Do I like the design? If I can answer this question with yes, then we are compatible.

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